Wyndham Court – Brutalist Southampton

The following pictures are of Wyndham Court in the city of Southampton. Designed by architects Lyons – Israel – Ellis this impressive and astonishing concrete brutalist building was constructed between 1966 and 1969. A complex of 184 flats and 16 retail outlets. Having a passion for block grey concrete and squares, brutalist design has always been a love of ours. This is the best example of the style near us in the south of England. Unfortunately the other stunning complexe was the Tricorn Centre in Portsmouth but the council twonks pulled it down in 2004. Lucky Wyndham Court has been given a Grade II listing and should be safe from bulldozers and being flatten into a Tesco car park like the Tricorn!

It’s a complexed design, featuring shaped hexagon corners, block balconies, lift shafts, walkways, shops and open spaces. Many tones of grey block concrete with splashes of white bleeding through. Brutalism gets a knocking sometimes for it’s so called ugly look but you can see the beauty in most things and for us this was an exceptional wander around in concrete heaven. Not sure the locals would see our fascination for their home but it’s really quite impressive.

If you are in Southampton and wish to see this battleship of a structure then it’s just a short walk from central train station. There’s few links are at the bottom of the page which will give you some proper information on this modern piece of architecture.

Dubman and Streylock

Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton
Wyndham Court Brutalist Southampton

Some links for further reference.

Wyndham Court Southampton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyndham_Court
Tricorn Centre Portsmouth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tricorn_Centre
One of the best Brutalist blogs http://fuckyeahbrutalism.tumblr.com/